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Traveling with children

Flight with children up to 2 years

More recently, the flights with a child under one year were undesirable. The explanation is simple - the planes were not equipped properly.

Today, this problem is absent, Russian airlines aircraft have everything you need and you can even take a flight to the smallest baby. It should be noted that some ages have limitations.

Since children under 2 years of age often sit on the parent's hands, you have the right to carry it for free on domestic flights. Making an international flight, you need to pay for the baby 10% of the adult and the child is still in the hands of an adult the entire flight.

If you do not fly with one child, each additional child ticket will be charged as a separate place, but at reduced rates (provide 25-50% discount). But at the same time you have the right to transport free one pram and a certain amount of baggage (there is a limit in kilograms).

Russian airlines offer the possibility to use baby bassinet with the baby carriage. They are attached to the backs of such cradle seats. Pleasure stroller can be used to board the plane, and then send it in the luggage compartment of the aircraft. When sending a carriage in baggage, ask whether it is possible upon arrival at the airport to provide you with a temporary wheelchair.

When using the services of different airlines, it is advisable to notify them of the need for a cot, at least 24 hours before departure (if the possibility of using the cradle available). Today, depending on the type of aircraft and the size of its seats, sometimes allowed to use your own child seat, which in size is not more than 40x40 cm, which is placed on the seat next to the window. If this condition is not feasible, then put the baby seat is prohibited. In any case, before the flight should be specified in the Bureau of airline rules and the possibility of using cradles and child seats.

Flight with children from 2 to 12 years

Children at this age are already a full-fledged passengers. For them, there are special pricing rates, rely individual seats and the opportunity to transport luggage in accordance with the regulations. Book your flight tickets early is best to be able to get a place there. Airlines today supply their planes special food for children. However, not all flights have similar sets that are classified as "special food", so that information necessary to specify in advance, and if necessary, to order.